Promotion of Young Scientists

The DGP follows the task of promoting young scientists by supporting the networking of students, PhD students and young professionals. The DGP offers financial support, such as travel grants, and awards annual doctoral and poster prizes.

PhD prize

Each year, the DGP awards a doctoral prize to a dissertation in the field of plant nutrition. In exceptional cases, the prize may be awarded twice. The award is associated with a prize money of 1000 €. Candidates can either be nominated by members of the DGP or submit a self-application. Candidates who have obtained their doctorate at a German university since August 01 of the previous year are eligible to apply. Outstanding work in the field of plant nutrition that has been evaluated with at least “magna cum laude” will be considered.

The following must be submitted with the application to the DGP office: Letter of motivation (max. 1 page), Curriculum Vitae, doctoral degree certificate or provisional certificate of the doctorate, expert opinion of the supervisor, dissertation thesis. The application together with the dissertation thesis must be emailed as one coherent pdf file each to the DGP management.

Deadline for submission is 31. July 2024. The official awarding of the doctoral prize takes place during the annual meeting of the DGP e.V., which is usually held in September. During the award ceremony, the award winner will present his or her dissertation in a talk.

Overview of the award winners

2023 Christian Frerichs
2023 Esther Lange
2022 Amit Sagervanshi
2020 Zhongtao Jia
2019 Johanna Krippner
2019 Anne Roßmann
2018 Franziska Faust
2017 Stephan Jung
2016 Linbo Wu
2016 Mareike Jezek
2015 Stefanie Höller
2014 Jan Reent Köster
2014 Nicole Schmid
2011 Christioph-Martin Geilfus
2010 Stephanie Fischinger
2009 Hendrik Führs
2008 Britta Pitann
2004 Marion Fecht-Christoffers
2004 Edgar Peiter

Poster Award

The DGP awards three poster prizes totaling € 600 at its annual meetings. The prizewinners are selected by a committee formed at the meeting.


At the moment, no workshops are taking place .

DGP Scholarships​

The DGP awards scholarships of up to € 500 to PhD students and postdocs for participation in conferences and other scientific events in the field of plant nutrition, as well as for research visits. The justified, informal application must be sent to the DGP head offfice and must include a list of the costs. When applying for conference grants, a proof of the own contribution has to be enclosed (abstract, poster contribution, etc.). After successful completion of a research visit, a short report of about ½ page on the activities and results should be written, which will be published on the DGP website.

Informal application to the office that includes the following:

  • For conference attendance: web address of the conference, proof of your participation, abstract of your contribution.
  • In case of a research visit: confirmation of the host institution, short description of the type of activities (approx. 1 DIN A4 page).
  • In case of research visits, a short progress report has to be submitted after completion, which will be published on the DGP website.

Discount of the conference fee of the DGP annual meetings

Members of the DGP receive a discount on the conference fee of the DGP conference. The extent of the discount is specified by the respective organizing working group.