The German Society of Plant Nutrition e.V. (DGP)

Plant nutrition combines the nutritional physiology of plants, the nutrient content of soils and fertilization theory.
The DGP focuses on the exchange between the sub-disciplines, between young scientists and experienced researchers, as well as between numerous scientific institutions.

Statements and surveys of the DGP

Statements and surveys of the DGP can be found here (in German).


DGP Annual Conference

The Annual Conference of the DGP will take place from September 2nd – 4th, 2024 at the University of Bonn.

Further information about the annual conference can be found here.


Further announcements can be found here.

Become a member

As a member of the DGP, you will have access to our journal “Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science” and to the Plant Nutrition Courier. Moreover, you will be regularly informed about activities and events.

We further offer various possibilities of support and funding to our members. Detailed information you will find on the respective subpages. Additionally, we regularly organize workshops and participate in the organization of events.


Expand your personal network.

Support and funding

The DGP promotes young

Personal contacts

Get involved with the DGP
and get to know new people.

Become now a member of the DGP!
We would be pleased to welcome you as a new member of the DGP!

Become active yourself

The DGP connects scientists from all areas of plant nutrition and promotes communication and exchange of experience between all members.

You can also become active as a member in various areas:

  • spread news and job offers from your working groups via the DGP websites
  • participate in the awarding of prizes, e.g., doctoral and poster prizes
  • shape the DGP through contributions at the members meeting
  • contribute to statements on current social and political issues
  • organize workshops on topics related to plant nutrition
  • organize the annual meeting of the DGP

We are open to new suggestions and concepts and will work with you to realize your ideas.

Job vacancies

PhD Project: Foliar nutrient absorption as affected by environmental factors (m/w/d)

– 65% 13 TV-L

IAPN Institute of Applied Plant Nutrition, Göttingen

Deadline: 30.09.2023

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